Mystery of History, Volume 1
My child was 16 and 1/2 years old when we went through this curriculum so most videos are geared for that age range.
We reference the Texans Wake Up Old Testament and New Testament series below.
Week 1, Lesson 1 - Creation
See our blog on the book of Genesis from our Old Testament series.
Week 1, Lesson 2 - Adam & Eve
Week 1, Lesson 3 - Jubal and Tubal-Cain
Week 2, Lesson 4 - Noah & the Flood
Week 2, Lesson 5 - The Ice Age
Week 2, Lesson 6 - Dinosaurs (created on the 5th & 6th days)
Week 3, Lesson 7 - The Sumerians
Week 3, Lesson 8 - The Tower of Babel
Week 3, Lesson 9 - The Epic of Gilgamesh
Week 4, Lesson 10 - Stonehenge
Week 4, Lesson 11 - Early Egypt
Week 4, Lesson 12 - The Minoan Civilization
Week 5, Lesson 13 - Abraham
Week 5, Lesson 14 - Jacob and Esau
Week 5, Lesson 15 - Joseph
Week 6 Lesson 16 - Hammurabi
Week 6, Lesson 17 - The Israelites in Slavery
Week 6, Lesson 18 - China and the Shang Dynasty
Week 7, Lesson 19 - Moses and the Exodus
See our blog on the book of Exodus from our Old Testament series.
Week 7, Lesson 20 - The Ark of the Covenant. and the Tabernacle
Week 7, Lesson 21 - Joshua, Jericho, and Rahab
* Add-On Watch this video from Pastor Landon starting at minute 3:00-3:38 for a quick summary. Bonus: mentions Rehab!
*Add-On Listen to this 3 minute podcast about Jericho, Rehab, and 'Doing Right, Faithfully'.
See our blog on the book of Joshua from our Old Testament series.
Week 8, Lesson 22 - Amenhotep and Nefertiti
Week 8, Lesson 23 - Tutankhamen (King Tut)
* Print this map of the Valley of the Kings. Identify where King Tut and Ramesses the Great are buried. Discuss why both Amenhotep IV and Nefertiti are not listed.
Week 8, Lesson 24 - Ramses II (the Great)
Week 9, Lesson 25 - Legend of the Trojan Horse
* I printed this map of Troy in black and white and we highlighted the location of Troy, found it on our globe, and noted that Helen was from Sparta, Greece which was across the Aegean Sea. We discussed how the term 'trojan horse' is still used in our language today.
* We watched the 2004 release of Troy. Please note that it is rated R and there are 3 scenes (in tents Achilles(2); Paris & Helen) you need to fast forward past. We advise parents to preview first and be prepared to skip sections. Other than that, it is a great story to follow the story of Helen and Paris. Parental Warning: After skipping the sex scenes, this was a acceptable movie for my 16.5. yr old son. It is violent and not appropriate for much younger students. Parents, do preview.
Week 9, Lesson 26 - Ruth and Naomi
See our blog on the book of Ruth from our Old Testament series.
Week 9, Lesson 27 - Gideon
See our blog on the book of Judges from our Old Testament series.
Week 10, Lesson 28 - Samson
*Add-On Watch this video on Samson from iBelieveBible. this video on Samson from iBelieveBible . On another day, to reinforce the story, watch this Samson video.
See our blog on the book of Judges from our Old Testament series.
Week 10, Lesson 29 - Zhou (Chou) Dynasty
Week 10, Lesson 30 - Samuel
See our blog on the book of 1 Samuel from our Old Testament series.
Week 11, Lesson 31 - King Saul
Week 11, Lesson 32 - David
*Add-On Watch this Bible Project video about David the Priestly King.
Week 11, Lesson 33 - Solomon
*Add-On Watch this video on Solomon's Temple Explained.
Week 12, Lesson 34 - The Phoenicians
*Add-On Watch is video about the Murex snail.
Week 12, Lesson 35 - The Kingdom of Israel Divides
Week 12, Lesson 36 - Elijah, the Fiery Prophet
*Add-On Watch this video on Elijah, King Ahab, & Mount Carmel.
Week 13, Lesson 37 - Elisha (Israel's Prophet)
*Add-On What does the Bible say about reincarnation? on YouTube
Week 13, Lesson 38 - Joel and Obadiah
*Add-On Watch this Plague of Locusts Timelapse so that you understand how locusts can devour vegetation.
See our blog on the book of Joel from our Old Testament series.
See our blog on the book of Obadiah from our Old Testament series.
Week 13, Lesson 39 - Homer
Week 14, Lesson 40 - India and Hinduism
We are trying to insert different add-ons than Nicki Truesdell, but we just can't help ourselves, but to repeat her excellent recommendations this week.
*Add-On Eastern Roots of the New Age from Christian Answers for the New Age, Mama Bear Apologetics book, Chapter 12: I’m Not Religious, I’m Spiritual!, and 7 Ways to Recognize New Age “Spirituality” on YouTube.
Also, please see our blog entitled Christian Resources for Countering New Age Ideology
Week 14, Lesson 41 - The Olympic Games
*Add-On Watch Olympic Games history.
Week 14, Lesson 42 - Jonah and Amos
See our blog on the book of Amos from our Old Testament series.
Week 15, Lesson 43 - The City of Rome
* Add-On Watch Hillsdale's The Rise and Fall of the Roman Republic,
Lecture 1 The Importance of Rome
Lecture 2 The Ancient World Before Rome
Lecture 3 The Founding of Rome
Lecture 4 The Roman Constitution
Week 15, Lesson 44 - Isaiah and Micah
See our blog on the book of Isaiah from our Old Testament series.
See our blog on the book of Micah from our Old Testament series.
Week 15, Lesson 45 - Israel Falls To Assyria
*Add-On Watch a viewpoint about the lost Tribes of Israel and another one.
Week 16, Lesson 46 - Hosea (Israel's Prophet)
See our blog on the book of Hosea from our Old Testament series.
Week 16, Lesson 47 - Hezekiah and Sennacherib
*Add-On Watch Who is Sennacherib? and Sennacherib's Prism. And if you have time, the Egyptian (Herodotus) account of the war and Hezekiah's Tunnel.
Week 16, Lesson 48 - Ancient Native Americans
Week 17, Lesson 49 - The Rise of Athens and Sparta
*Add-On Watch Preparing Olive Oil.
Week 17, Lesson 50 - Manasseh
*Add-On Watch those who are persecuted for Christ.
Week 17, Lesson 51 - The Powers of Mesopotamia
Week 18, Lesson 52 - King Josiah
Week 18, Lesson 53 - Nahum and Zephaniah
Week 18, Lesson 54 - Jeremiah (Judah's Prophet)
Week 19, Lesson 55 - Nineveh Destroyed
Week 19, Lesson. 56 - Habakkuk and Huldah
Week 19, Lesson 57 - The Babylonian Captivity
For us this was Halloween week, which is Reformation Day! We inserted a video about one of the greatest reformers, Martin Luther.
Week 20, Lesson 58 - Nebuchadnezzar II and the Hanging Gardens
Add-On Watch "the mystery of the hanging gardens of Babylon" and "3d babylon hanging gardens palace" for an image of what the gardens might have looked like. Plus, a bit more about Nebuchadnezzar.
Week 20, Lesson 59 - Daniel
*Add-On Watch Daniel and the Lion's Den.
Week 20, Lesson 60 - Aesop's Fables
*Add-On Watch Aesop short & Aesop long. We also read several fables from 'Tiny Tales from Aesop' a Book of Two Hundred 100-Word Stories by Laura Gibbs.
Week 21, Lesson 61 - Ezekiel
Week 21, Lesson 62 -
Week 21, Lesson 63 - Aesop
Week 22, Lesson 64 - Pythagoras and the Temple of Artemis
Week 22, Lesson 65 - Confucius
*Add-On Read 'Why the Golden Rule of Jesus is Way Better than Confucius' and/or check out the accompanying video.
Week 22, Lesson 66 - Belshazzar and Cyrus the Great
*Add-On Watch "The Nabonidus Cylinder: The Book of Daniel and an Almost Forgotten King" and "Cyrus the Great: The King of the Four Corners of the World!" and "Cyrus The Great In The Bible" and "Belshazzar's Feast - Moody Bible Story" on YouTube.
Week 23, Lesson 67 - Darius 1
* Add-On We watched the following 4 videos to understand how the Persian era of the Shahs ended in 1979 and how it impacted the United States.
*Add-On Watch "Argo" to learn about the Iran hostage crisis and the rule of the Ayatollah Khomeini in Iran (previously Persia) and the end of the 2000 year rule of Shahs. This movie is about the escape of the 6 American Embassy workers who hid in the Canadian Ambassador's private home when the embassy was overthrown and hostages were taken (when President Carter was in office). There is excessive profanity, violence and the film is rated R. Parents please review first. Please keep in mind that my child is 17 yrs old and watched with parental supervision.
Week 23, Lesson 68 - Zerubbabel
Week 23, Lesson 69 - Haggai and Zechariah
*Add-On Please watch any of the videos in our own Haggai resource page.
*Add-On Please watch any of the videos in our own our own Zachariah resource page.
See Old Testament for the full list of chapters.
Week 24, Lesson 70 - The Roman Republic
* Add-On Watch "Drive Thru History Ancients: Rome 1-3 (The Forum) . and Rome 3-2 (Carthage)"
* Add-On Watch Hillsdale's The Rise and Fall of the Roman Republic, Lecture 5 Patricians and Plebeians
Hillsdale's 'Rise and Fall of the Roman Republic' has a total of 10 lectures. If you have the time, go ahead and watch lecture 1-5. We will hit 6-10 below. Here are all the lectures in the series in order:
The Importance of Rome
The Ancient World Before Rome
The Founding of Rome
The Roman Constitution
Patricians and Plebeians
The Punic Wars
The Challenges of Expansion: Cato the Elder and the Gracchi
Civil War: Marius and Sulla
The First Triumvirate: Crassus, Pompey, and Caesar
Cicero's Defense of the Republic
Julius Caesar and the Collapse of the Roman Republic
Rome and the American Founding
Week 24, Lesson 71 - The Battle of Marathon
Week 24, Lesson 72. - Herodotus
* Add-On Watch "Why is Herodotus called “The Father of History”? - Mark Robinson"
Week 25, Lesson 73 - Xerxes I
Week 25, Lesson 74 - Esther
Week 25, Lesson 75 - The Golden Age of Athens
Week 26, Lesson 76 - Socrates
Week 26, Lesson 77 - Hippocrates and the Statue of Zeus
Week 26, Lesson 78 - Ezra and Artaxerxes
Week 27, Lesson 79 - Nehemiah
Week 27, Lesson 80 - Pericles
Week 27, Lesson 81 - Peloponnesian War
Week 28, Lesson 82 - Malachi
Week 28, Lesson 83 - Plato and Aristotle
* Add-On Watch Plato and Aristotle (Introduction to Greek Philosophy), Note there is nudity for 3-4 seconds at minute 1:06 you can skip.
Week 28, Lesson 84 - Philip II of Macedonia and the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus
Week 29, Lesson 85 - Alexander the Great
* Add-On Watch Top 10 Alexander The Great Facts
Week 29, Lesson 86 - The Division of Alexander's Empire
Week 29, Lesson 87 - Archimedes and the Lighthouse of Alexandria
* Add-On Watch The Lighthouse of Alexandria - The Seven Wonders of Ancient World - See U in History and The real story behind Archimedes’ Eureka! - Armand D'Angour
Week 30, Lesson 88 - Emperor Asoka of India
* Add-On Watch Ashoka the Great - Rise of the Mauryan Empire Documentary (longer) & (shorter)
Week 30, Lesson 89 - The Septuagint and the Colossus of Rhodes
* Add-On Watch Why 66? from Answers In Genesis which discusses the septuagint and also defends the 66 books of the bible; The Colossus of Rhodes: The World Wonder That Became History's Greatest Statue
Week 30, Lesson 90 - The Qin Dynasty
* Add-On Watch Terracotta Army: The greatest archaeological find of the 20th century - BBC News , Fascinating Facts About China's Terracotta Army, & How Was The Great Wall Of China Built? | Blowing-Up History: Seven Wonders
Week 31, Lesson 91 - Hannibal, Elephants, and the Punic Wars
* Add-On Watch Hillsdale's The Rise and Fall of the Roman Republic, Lecture 6 The Punic Wars
Squeeze in Lecture 7 if you can...
Week 31, Lesson 92 - The Han Dynasty
* Add-On Watch The Han Dynasty - Chinese History
Week 31, Lesson 93 - The Maccabean Revolt
* Add-On Watch The Maccabean Revolt and Maccabees & King Herod Family Tree (please note that this video author is not a Christian or does not have a biblical world view from what I gather).
Week 32, Lesson 94 - Spartacus
*Add-On Although it is not directly related to this chapter, squeeze in watching Hillsdale's The Rise and Fall of the Roman Republic, Lecture 8 Civil War: Marius and Sulla; watch Spartacus the movie staring Kirk Douglas.
Week 32, Lesson 95 - The First Triumvirate
*Add-On Watch Hillsdale's The Rise and Fall of the Roman Republic, Lecture 9 The First Triumvirate: Crassus, Pompey, and Caesar
Week 32, Lesson 96 - JULIUS CAESAR
*Add-On Although it is not directly related to this chapter, squeeze in watching Hillsdale's The Rise and Fall of the Roman Republic, Lecture 10 Cicero’s Defense of the Republic
Week 33, Lesson 97 - The Second Triumvirate
*Add-On Watch Hillsdale's The Rise and Fall of the Roman Republic, Lecture 11 Julius Caesar and the Collapse of the Roman Republic and go ahead and, although it is not directly related, finish out the series with Lecture 12 Rome and the American Founding
Week 33, Lesson 98 - Cleopatra
* Add-On Watch Cleopatra's Lost Tomb (Full Episode) | Lost Treasures of Egypt by National Geographic
Week 33, Lesson 99 - Herod the Great
* Add-On Watch Who Was Herod The Great? and Maccabees & King Herod Family Tree (please note that this video author is not a Christian or does not have a biblical world view from what I gather). Also look up Masada, Temple Mount Herodium, Caeseraium and the the fact that Herod died at Jericho at 4 BC.
Week 34, Lesson 100 - The Battle of Actium
Week 34, Lesson 101 - Augustus Caesar and the Roman Empire
Week 34, Lesson 102 - John the Baptist
* Add-On Watch Maccabees & King Herod Family Tree .
Week 35, Lesson 103 - Jesus Christ, His Birth
Week 35, Lesson 104 - Jesus, His Teachings and Miracles
Week 35, Lesson 105 - Tiberius Caesar Pilate, and Herod
Week 36, Lesson 106 - The Twelve Disciples of Christ
Week 36, Lesson 107 - Jesus, His Death and Resurrection
Week 36, Lesson 108 - Jesus, the Mystery of History